Do septic tank “cleaners” work?

Do septic tank “cleaners” work?

     Septic tank products claim a lot and most dream up marketing ways to get people to buy their “Miracle” product. Sadly we field calls from people asking us questions about other products with such claims, and a “septic tank cleaner” is one of them. Do septic tank “cleaners” work?
      Let me say this right now, there is no bacterial”septic tank cleaner” that cleans your septic tank like a pump truck. You can not buy any “septic tank cleaner” and expect to clean your drain field overnight even if they use the word “guaranteed” in their marketing of the product.

Here is what happens when you buy one.

What we do find is that some “septic tank cleaner”s move the contents of a solid abused septic tank and feed that into your expensive drain field to clog it up, And when that clogs up everything stops dead and you can not use any water in your home or office. Not a good place to be as you have to spend big bucks to replace that drain field and pump that septic tank when if you just pumped that septic tank before you purchased a “septic tank cleaner”, You would have saved money.
     Now on the other side of the coin, If you wanted to keep your septic tank working like it was designed to and used a septic tank bacteria every month to keep it working and let the septic bacteria digest your septic waste over time and working with Mother Nature, You would not be replacing your septic drain field due to clogging from a “septic tank cleaner”.
     If you have not pumped your septic tank in many years, I suggest you use BioForce Septic Tank Bacterial Liquefier, One packet once a week into your toilet at night until you see the septic tank waste start to digest, Then use one packet of the BioForce Bacterial Waste Liquefier every 2 weeks until you see a noticeable reduction in septic waste, then use 1 packet once a month from then on.     By taking out advice you could save your expensive septic leach field and get your septic tank back to where it was designed to operate.

     For more tips please go to for more detailed information.

Septic Tank Bacteria and toilet bowl cleaners:

Septic Tank Bacteria: You better have it!